roadway, rocking, rookie, rotten, routine, ruffle, runway, wrestle, robin, rocky, roommate, rotate, royal, rugby, rusty, wriggle, robot, rodent, rounded, rubble, ruin, wrangle, wrinkle, rocket, rolling, rosebud, rowboat, ruby, running, wrapping, writing
bear, care, clear, door, fire, gear, her, more, pair, scare, sir, steer, their, wear, your
career, horror, radar, rater, raindeer, restore, rider, roaster, rooster, rubber, runner, wrangler, clearer, mirror, rafter, rattler, renter, restroom, ringer, robber, root beer, rudder, rural, wrapper, dearer, nearer, railroad, razor, repair, retire, riper, rocker, rover, ruler, tartar, wrestler, error, racer, rancher, refer, rerun, rewrite, river, roller, rower, rumor, terror, writer
around, arrow, berry, burrow, carriage, cherish, coral, dairy, erase, firing, forest, glory, iris, mirage,parade, scurry, siren, squirrel, torist, zero, arrange, baron, boring, bury, cherry, correct, daring, every, flooring, furry, hayride, jury, morale, parent, series, sorry, stories, very
bar, car, chore, dear, far, fur, hear, mare, our, pure, shore, sour, star, tear, war, year
air, blare, cheer, core, ear, floor, glare, hour, near, pier, score, smear, square, stir, tire, wire, are, bore, choir, dare, fair, four, hair, jar, or, poor, share, soar, stair, sure, tore, wore
airy, arrest, barrel, borrow, caring, carry, chorus, courage, direct, fairy, florist, garage, hearing, marine, parrot, sharing sparrow, syrup, weary, arise, arrive, beret, buried, carols, cherry, clearing, current, during, fearing, flurry, giraffe, hurry, married, orange, sheriff, spirit, terrace, worried
Alarm, allow, ballet, belong, brilliant, cellar, collage, daily, delight, driller, eyelid, filling, gallon, healer, hollow, jelly, nylon, polish, sailing, solo, alike, alone, balloon, bully, cello, collapse, color, daylight, deluxe, drooling, falling, follow, gallop, hello, howler, jolly, olive, railing, salad, stoller, alive, along, believe, boiler, caller, chili, collar, column, dealer, dailing, elect, feeling, foolish, goalie, highlyk, island, mailing, palace, really, silence, swallow, alley, balance, belly, bowler, ceiling, cola, collect, cooler, delete, dollar, eyelash, fellow, fully, halo, hilly, jealous, mellow, pillow, relax, skyline, tulip
think, thank, with
thief, thanks, thing, thump, thimble, thermometer, thirst, thicken, thirsty, thoughtful, thieves, thatch, thorn, thanksgiving, thistle, thermostat, thin, thud, thinking, thankful, thoughtless, thinker, theme, thought, thermos, thunder, theater, thaw, threaten, thirteen, thankless, third, thigh, thumb, thighbone, theory, thumbtack, think, thick, thirsty, thorough, thermal
nice, narrow, never, neat, nap, nasty, no, not, needle, nip, nashville, natalie, nail, knee, nate, nickel, niece, nab, knock, knot, nag, naked, name, napkin, narcissus, narcotic, narrate, narrow, nasal, nose
singing, laughing, keeping, smiling, swimming, going, loving, allocating, accomodating, housing, cooking, eating, telling
ah (politics, pond), hu (punch), i (little, pin), a, e (hem), eh, i, o (pause. 口をすぼめる), oo (food, book), aw (awful), ow (ouch)
cap, catの撥音は以下を見てほしい。私はこれを見て大変勉強になった。
最も難しい、iの発音は、little、insideを正しく発音して覚える。little, insideを発音するときの、あごの位置を覚える。little, insects, killer, pillowの順に難しい。ビデオはこちら。
ow, awで、アウと発音する場合は、最後に口をすぼめる。
ice, fight
pose, coat (口をすぼめる)
couscous (food)
I dropped a pin and pen in my pan
Californian girl
police officer
war, snoar, door
arrest, barrel, borrow, garage
conflict, product, probable (オウではなく、アに近い発音)
I'm flying high.
If you think the colors are ugly, then don't bother buying the colanders.
Politics can often get ugly, but good politicians are our best representatives.
Insects are highly attracted to attracted to the bug killer in the backyard.
Clowns make little people smile and laugh with their antics.
Peaches, pears, pickles, bread, butter, and onions are in the cabinet to your left.
Bill put every pill in the right slot before hopping up from his chair.
Mabel actually loves skiing and goes to the slopes every minute she has available.
Under the bed you will find the the ink, the pillows, and the other things Fay left there.
Pinch the pink package to see if you can guess what is inside.
Place the power tools in the cart next to the electrical outlet.
The clock went ping, pang, pung when the pin broke.
Put each apple on the oven shelf to dry out.
Each inch you crawl gets you closer to the edge of the cliff.
People place umbrellas in the basket near the wall.
Oscar uttered a long, slow breath after the evil monster shut his huge jaws.
Some cycles in business happen close together.
The Mayflower sailed the ocean blue in the year 1492.
Tell Brenda she should run fast to find her mother.
Think about what you need to pay thank you to God for.
I put the been in the bin.
The jobs are entrepreneurial.
I'm looking at entrepreneurial jobs.
That job is my third choice. (thirdのdの後にsを発音しないように注意)
I'm going to work with the Japanese. (workは、wの後に、そのまま口をひっこめて、Rのときに下が後ろに来るようにする)
It is alright to play your games.
patch, batch, match, chapel, challenge, chatter
Charles (CharとLesを完全に分けて練習しないと、舌が後ろから前に移動するので、難しい)
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